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Pineapple Tart With Cream and Banana Caramel Sauce Recipe

Caught somewhere between the merriment of Christmas and the promise of the joy of spring, with its frosty temperatures and long nights, February can be a tough month. That's why we all need a little comfort. Rich, indulgent puddings topped with seasonal fruits and baked to perfection deliver just that. Whether you fancy a buttery, golden, and flaky bread and butter croissant pudding, a warming chocolate apple betty, or a crowd-pleasing pineapple tart, we've got you covered. Discover your new favourite recipe below.

  • Preparation time: 70
  • Cooking time: 85
  • Servings: 4-6

How to make

  1. Start by making the pineapple cream. In a large bowl, mix the pineapple juice, 150g of sugar and the eggs for a couple of seconds. Pour in 250ml of the cream, whisk, then place in the fridge.
  2. Place the pre-made pastry sheet over a round 24 cm (9 ½ inch) cake tin with removable bottom. Using one hand, lift the pastry and with the other, tuck it into the bottom of the tin for a snug fit.
  3. Cut any excess pastry off the edges using a rolling pin. Take a small, rolled ball of pastry and place it snugly around the base of the tart.
  4. Use a fork to prick the entire base of the pastry and place it in the fridge for 30 minutes to help prevent shrinking.
  5. Pre-heat the oven to 160°C/ 325°F/Gas Mark 3.
  6. Once it’s refrigerated, it’s time to cook the pastry. Line the pastry with baking paper and fill with baking beans, pushing them to the sides. Then bake for 10 minutes.
  7. Remove the pastry from the oven and take out the baking paper and beans, before placing the tart back into the oven for a further 20 minutes.
  8. Take the tart out of the oven and brush the inside of the pastry with the leftover egg yolk. Return to the oven for one minute. Remove and turn down the heat to 140°C/ 275°F/Gas Mark 1.
  9. Pour the pineapple cream mixture into a saucepan and gently heat to a maximum of 40°C to avoid scrambling. Then pour this warm mixture into the pastry tin and bake for 25 minutes.
  10. Remove the tart from the oven and leave to cool for an hour.
  11. While it’s cooling, it’s time to make the banana sauce! Heat a large saucepan over a medium-high heat and add the water and 400g of sugar. Bring to the boil, stirring gently to dissolve the sugar.
  12. Turn the heat down to medium and allow the mixture to come to a light amber colour, swirling the pan around every now and then to make sure the mixture caramelises evenly. This can take a little while, so avoid stirring or turning the heat up!
  13. Remove the saucepan from the heat and pour in the pureed banana. Stir until it’s mixed with no bubbling.
  14. Place the pan back on the heat and stir the mixture until it turns a deep amber colour.
  15. Remove from the heat again, and slowly pour in the cream. Stir continuously until mixed together. Don’t worry, the caramel will bubble as you do this, but continue to stir!
  16. Pour the banana caramel into a heat-proof jar to cool. Only when it’s cool can it be used to top the tart!
  17. While the sauce is cooling, caramalise some pineapple for topping. Peel the pineapple, slice it and then place it on a greased gridled pan to create lines and caramelisation.
  18. Once the tart is cooled, remove from the tin and place on a serving plate. Pour over the cooled banana cream and top with the caramalised pineapple. Yum!

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